Contact The Law Firm

Contact Info

Schlüterstrasse 37, 10629 Berlin

+49 (0)30 40561657

[email protected]

Client Reviews

5 star review

"I greatly recommend this service!"

5 star review

"Your work on my case was excellent!"

5 star review

"I was particularly pleased about the quick response"

5 star review

"Got back to me really fast and addressed my concerns professionally"

5 star review

"A competent and friendly lawyer with a very high level of expertise"

5 star review

"I will continue to try with their help and the legal protection"

Contacting a lawyer is never fun; at least we make it easy!

Dealing with a lawyer and the law is never too much fun, especially for those who have to cope with a legal system and an official language different from their own.

At least we try to make it as simple and seamless as possible!

It is easy to start tackling one’s legal duties, whether it is some bureaucratic procedures to be taken care of or more delicate matters that require the assistance of an experienced lawyer to protect one’s interests.

Number 1

Contact the law firm and share information about your case.

Contact the law firm by phone or send us a message containing information about your case. Each case is unique and in order to know whether we can help you we need to assess it specifically. We will get back to you with feedback in no time to let you know if and how we can move forward and work together.

Number 2

Get legal consultation or instruct our lawyer.

We will address every aspect of your case together during a strategic consultation. We will assess every detail of the case and give you our legal opinion on the situation and how to proceed.

It is only sometimes necessary to go through a consultation and request a legal opinion. When it is clear what needs to be done and how to proceed, you can hire the lawyer immediately and give him the mandate to work on the case!

Number 3

Receive legal assistance and support, stay constantly updated.

As we work together, you will be guided and assisted in every step of the process, and we will make sure that you are always in control. You will receive constant updates on the status of your case and the following steps to be taken, as well as reminders for important dates and anything else we may need from you.