Labour Law

Employment Dispute Lawyer in Germany

An employment dispute lawyer in Germany is a legal professional who specialises in employment law. Their primary role is to assist both employers and employees in resolving disputes that arise in the workplace.

These disputes can cover a wide range of issues, including unfair dismissal, wage disputes, discrimination, workplace bullying, breaches of contract and breaches of employment regulations.

Employment disputes in Germany are governed by a robust legal framework, with various laws governing different aspects of the employment relationship.

Key laws and regulation include:

  • Termination of employment contracts (Sections 620–630 BGB)
  • Employee obligations and employer duties (Section 611a BGB)
  • Kündigungsschutzgesetz (KSchG) – Dismissal Protection Act
  • Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz (ArbGG) – Labor Court Act
  • Arbeitszeitgesetz (ArbZG) – Working Hours Act
  • Betriebsverfassungsgesetz (BetrVG) – Works Constitution Act
  • Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG) – Maternity Protection Act
  • Bundesurlaubsgesetz (BUrlG) – Federal Vacation Act
  • Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz (TzBfG) – Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act
  • Mindestlohngesetz (MiLoG) – Minimum Wage Act.

Our experienced employment dispute lawyers specialise in resolving conflicts efficiently and fairly.

Call the Office (M-F: 9am-6pm)
+49 (0)30 88702382

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[email protected]

Employment Dispute Lawyer in Germany: how we can help you

An employment lawyer in Berlin understands the complexities of labor law in Germany and the challenges you face. Whether you’re an employer managing a workforce or an employee navigating your career, our dedicated team is here to provide personalised legal solutions tailored to your situation.

Below is a list of services we offer, detailing how we can assist both employers and employees in a variety of employment matters.

  • Drafting and Reviewing Employment Contracts
    • We can help you draft contracts that are compliant with employment law and tailored to your business needs, covering key areas such as duties, probationary periods, notice periods, non-compete clauses and confidentiality agreements.
    • We will review your employment contract to ensure that the terms are fair, comply with the law and fully protect your rights in respect of salary, benefits, working hours and termination clauses.
  • Termination and Dismissal (Kündigungsschutz)
    • We advise on legally compliant dismissal procedures to ensure that dismissals are handled correctly to avoid costly litigation. This includes proper notice periods, documentation and compliance with the German Unfair Dismissals Act (KSchG).
    • If you’ve been made redundant, we can assess whether the dismissal was lawful and help you challenge any unfair dismissal through negotiation or litigation, ensuring that your rights under the KSchG are protected.
  • Severance Negotiations
    • We can help you structure a fair and legally sound severance package, reducing the risk of further disputes or litigation.
    • If you’re offered a termination package, we can negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible terms, ensuring that compensation for loss of employment is appropriate to your circumstances.
  • Resolving Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
    • We advise on the development of workplace policies to prevent harassment and discrimination, ensuring compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). We also provide legal representation in cases of discrimination complaints.
    • If you’ve been the victim of discrimination or harassment, we can help you file a claim under the AGG and guide you through the legal process to obtain justice and compensation.
  • Wage and Salary Disputes
    • We can help you ensure that your pay policy complies with German employment law and avoid disputes over overtime pay, bonuses or deductions. We can also represent you in wage disputes brought by employees.
    • If you’re not receiving fair wages, overtime pay or bonuses as per your contract, we can help you claim what you’re legally owed through negotiation or litigation.
  • Working Hours and Overtime Laws
    • We can provide legal advice to ensure that your business complies with working time regulations, including managing overtime, breaks and working time limits, to prevent employee claims.
    • If you’ve been working excessive hours without proper compensation or rest periods, we can help you claim your rights under the ArbZG.
  • Restructuring, Downsizing, and Layoffs
    • We help you navigate the legal framework of mass redundancies, ensuring compliance with the Unfair Dismissals Act and advising on alternative solutions such as short-time working to minimise redundancies.
    • If you’re affected by company restructuring, we can advise you on your rights, help you challenge unfair dismissal or negotiate better severance terms.
  • Employment tribunal representation
    • We can represent you in employment tribunals and handle all aspects of litigation, from preparing your case to defending your company against claims relating to dismissal, pay disputes or discrimination.
    • If you’re taking your employer to court over unfair dismissal, pay disputes or other issues, we’ll be at your side, preparing a strong case and fighting for your rights.

Can we solve the dispute without going to a tribunal?

Can we resolve the dispute without going to court?

Many employment-related disputes can be resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods such as negotiation, mediation or conciliation, avoiding the time and expense of going to court.

In Germany, even if a case is brought before an employment tribunal, the tribunal will usually start with a conciliation hearing. This is an informal process aimed at reaching an amicable settlement before the case proceeds to a full hearing.

In many cases, conflicts such as pay disputes, contract terms or even redundancies can be resolved through negotiation before legal action is necessary. As skilled negotiators, our lawyers can help both employers and employees reach a mutually acceptable agreement through direct negotiation.

Another way of resolving disputes is through mediation, a structured, voluntary process in which an independent third party helps both sides to find a solution.

Mediation provides an opportunity to address the underlying issues in a dispute and to work towards a voluntary agreement that satisfies both parties. It can be particularly useful in resolving conflicts such as workplace harassment, ongoing disputes with colleagues or tensions between employees and management.

Our firm can either act as a mediator or represent you in the mediation process.

In addition, lawyers often use settlement agreements to avoid going to court. A settlement agreement is a formal contract that ends an employment relationship by mutual consent, often with a severance package.

* The information on this website is for illustrative purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and is not a substitute for personal legal advice from a lawyer. Each case is unique, has special circumstances and should be reviewed in detail by a lawyer who is able to review the specific situation.

Protect Your Interests in Employment Disputes

Our law firm provides expert legal support to employers seeking to protect their business and employees fighting for their rights in the workplace.

From unfair dismissal and contract issues to wage disputes and discrimination cases, we offer tailored legal strategies to achieve the best results for you.

Contact us now to discuss how we can help protect your interests and resolve your employment dispute.

Resolve Your Employment Dispute Swiftly and Fairly.

Call the Office (M-F: 9am-6pm)
+49 (0)30 88702382

Contact us via email
[email protected]

Contact us today for a consultation and let’s work together to find the best solution for your employment issue.

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Schlüterstrasse 37, 10629
Unter den Linden 10, 10117